Thursday, February 19, 2009

walk the talk

On a recent visit to China, I happen to see that there is a great disparity in our walk.
I hear a lot of talk about India being the powerhouse of services and China the powerhouse of manufacturing, but this recent visit kind of made it clear that we can claim to be a powerhouse of sorts but we may not be any powerhouse in the future, though at present we seem to have go something going that has given us some lead over our Asian counterparts.

If you look at our walk and ignore a lot of our talk, I would have to conclude that we have no sense of urgency when it comes to infrastructure, civic planing, resource efficiency and research.
It is as if the the Asian world is doing a lot more on these fronts and we just get up everyday, have a shower and go to work. There is no innovation or
inventions or even for that matter solutions addressing these needs; we just hope and expect that the problems we face with our billion plus people the urbanisation of towns and villages are going to sort themselves out by itself.

In China, however I see a definite plan and action.
I can see them walking the talk.
For us in India it is all talk.

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