Saturday, March 8, 2008

R U A sexist or racist?

Well the US elections will clearly let us know whether we choose to be racist or sexist. Even though it may not really be about racism and sexism, I mean it is about who makes the better candidate.

In a twist of fate we have a first with Hilary and Obama.
We could have the first Woman President of the US or the first African American President of the US.

Which could let us know, what does the average American man want to bear with.
A woman as Boss or an African American as Boss. Which may not necessarily mean that the average American individual is a racist or a sexist, but it could mean so.?

The balance hangs in the hands of the American woman.
Would they vote for Hilary a fellow mate or an African American Man.

I think the American man has made his mind up, I mean you take a look at Bill, and he has definitely had it, Bills eyes say a lot and I think they say, "you think I have had it bad, wait till Hilary becomes President".
For most American men folk this is a scary thought.
Believe me, I am Indian and it is a scary thought.

Which gets us to, Hilary. Actually she would make a great US President in my opinion, I think she knew about Bill all along - maybe Bill has been a philanderer all his life and she lived with it for the simples reason that she knows how to look at the longterm and sacrifice the short term. More than that she has an intuitive ability to know who can deliver, I mean look at Bill, assuming that philandering is not a one off event, I mean you've got to set your mind on doing what you shouldn't be doing, but knowing this and still sticking by Bill. And Bill does make President.
She is in the classic parlance a strategic thinker - a chess player. She is the one who knows how to deliver to the US public.

But to get her through, I think the American woman is the deciding factor.
Would they be in a position to look beyond Bill and see her as the empowered woman.
She certainly qualifies for that position - A corporate woman in a man's world (it still is by the way).

Or is the American woman a romantic/idealist, who think in terms of a stable family & stable man which will get Obama through and he sure plays that 'family' card well.

Here in India most woman are romantics/idealists, and I have nothing against the women and their choices, but believe me they think Shah Rukh Khan is a great actor.
He stutters, bumbles and overplays the character role in most of his films and he plays the same character over and over again for every film, it take a great effort and patience to watch him act and worse still you can see he is putting a lot of effort into it ergo it looks like an act. I mean in acting, not that I know a lot about cinema, either you are a natural or you're not, Shah Rukh is not, but the women simply adore him.

As he epitomizes what a man to be - a stable husband & a stable family man. This is what Hilary does not have and Obama does. Obama if I may take the liberty has just that going for him. Read about the 'Warren Harding' error in Gladwell's Blink. Warren Harding is ranked at the bottom in Historical ranking of US Presidents. I think the US public would make the same error again.

By the way, in a sorry twist of fate, I think Obama is like Shah Rukh Khan, he is an overplay. It all novel now, but after 6 months, you will just switch off.

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