Saturday, March 15, 2008

good to lose everyonce in a while

In business wining every time can be dangerous.
Every once in a while when we lose, there is a recheck on ground realities.

Have customers choices changed, is there a supplemental source of supply for the product at lower prices, technological advantage, etc. It becomes so important to keep checking on oneself over and over again.

In business however success usually makes us blind in some areas or the other. I think not for any fault of ours, but the fact being that we can't have our eyes everywhere or we can't be specialists in every facet of business. Every once in a while when we lose for not being as adept as competition in a facet of business the situation makes us rethink the aspect of business we are betting on.

It also gets us to realize that we are fallible and there are and always will be businesses & people that can one up on us. This thought on the probability of failure should get us to lift our head up from the pile of work and look around.
Most folks think business is about wining a race, actually it isn't it, every once in a while failure visits us and asks us to remove our blinkers and look around.

Infact I think the small failures are better than one big failure over a prolonged period of time. The reason being over a prolonged period of time, we get accustomed to our environment such that change becomes difficult to accept and re-jig.

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