Saturday, March 8, 2008

The distance between continents is the mind

I would have thought that the US and Europe have a lot in common.

But given the run up of election in the US and the recently elected Premier of France tells us that the two sects of people once one now are very different in their thinking.

Americans prefer to elect stable Family Men as President. It has been so till now.
The French wouldn't care two hoots about such things as they don't believe in such frailties.

Quite frankly I think times today are about 'can you deliver the goods'.
You could be anybody or anything, you just need to deliver.

In a poll, 34% of the French believe there is a god in contrast 33% are either atheists or agnostics. In contrast in the US only 14% of the populace identified themselves as atheists or agnostics.

I think the root of holding onto ones family essentially is a religious belief.
But the absence of such a belief perhaps proves that the Americans and French are different in their orientation in electing a President of the State.

Quiet frankly the social background of a nations Premier does in a way reflect to a large extent of what the majority populace believe for themselves. Maybe these are sign of the times.

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