Friday, February 15, 2008

the sin of Adam and Us...

Most of us wonder how does the sin of Adam get impugned on us.
I mean God being a just God, how does God hold to account one humans actions on another.

Most of us try and substantiate the impunity being descendants however there is more to sin that meets the eye, at least the way we understand it.
Our misunderstanding is largely on account of the limitation of the english language and not what transpired 7000 ago.

Firstly sin does not get impugned because Adam ate of the apple that he was specifically told not to eat. But sin arose on account of doubt or disbelief.

And the disbelief arose in Adam as he began to doubt on what God had instructed him, more specifically whether he would die if he ate of the fruit of the tree in the centre of the garden Eden. He was made to doubt on the word of God and more so on God as if what God says is untrue then God is untrue.

This was Adam's cardinal error.

It is this error that is termed as sin, arising because Adam doubted God and disbelieved God. This is the sin that is impugned on humanity.

There are a lot of us who claim that we would have acted smarter than Adam in that instant. Yes perhaps it can be qualified, but we never know how Satan would have deceived us if we did take on Adams place. In all probability he would have come to deceive us through other means.

The crux of the point the disbelief and doubt arises in all of us.
And all of us are born with this, so was it put in there by the creator, actually what the creator provided was free-will. And free-will qualifies us human to act in belief or disbelief.

But nevertheless it is a choice we make.
How do we want to think, how do we want to act and so on...

Well then God should not have put in Lucifer there, well Lucifer is caught only when he has truly deceived. How does one charge one with a crime that has not been committed. Again that was a choice Lucifer made.

Well we should not have been made with free-will. Well, how would you want to be a slave - who can't think for himself - who has no freedom.

Since all sin is disbelief in God, we are all born with the free-will or rather the propensity to sin.

And it is this propensity to sin that has to be taken away rather when perfection comes that which is imperfect shall be made perfect.

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