Wednesday, February 20, 2008

reservations to 'act white'

Acting white is an epithet applied to blacks, and also within ethnic groups referring to a perceived betraying of one's culture by incorporating the social expectations of mainstream society.

Some research has shown that employers don’t value qualifications or experience of minority groups, which in turn means that the victims rationally invest less in education and work experience, which in turn feeds a statistical discrimination.
This discrimination can have bearing on the minority groups history and geography which could polarize future generation of minority aspirants from not trying at all.

This turns into a self induced spiral, wherein jobs would not be offered because the minority group is uneducated while the minority group claims that jobs weren't being offered inspite of their qualification & education, ergo why should minorities invest in education.

India has a similar problem of ethnic minorities but the ironic fact is that a solution meant to provide an opportunity has actually done more damage.

Reservations emerged as it seemed to be the only manner to address the social divide keeping the caste minority out of the economic prosperity that non-ethnic minorities are a part of. These reservations were brought in account of the encumbrance of geography, cultural & heredity factors and critical thinking posed on the caste minority.

These reservations have led the caste minority to avail admissions into college/schools and professional jobs in the market place.
Upto 50% reservations are held back for the caste minority in graduate and post graduate colleges. Government services and employments hold similar reservations.

However, the real reason why the chances of a minority were lower in an economic market place even with a comparative or better educational background was on account of the employer being ethnically critical. This was the problem that should have been addressed.

In the Indian context to overcome the handicap of screening a critical employer on a caste or ethnic stereotype, reservations was introduced. However reservations does not filter the performing and non-performing ethnic incumbent.

Though reservations have helped the performing minority incumbent into colleges and universities, it has also allowed non-performing minority incumbents into the same college. With 50% reservations probably just half of it would be substantiated by performance, the remaining would have to be filled by the non-performing ethnic minorities.
In effect, non performance has been rewarded.

For the incumbent who does not posses an educational or professional qualification as its presence or absence did not aid his chances in the economic market place will continue to foster this ideal in the presence of reservations. Reservations should have provided a level playing field for the ethnic incumbent however it has provided him reason to stay the way he is which could be under qualified or non professional.
There isn't an economic reason for him to invest in an education or qualification especially when a job falls into his lap without the investment.

In effect this is another self inducing spiral that been created with reservations.

Reservations has further led the non performing minority groups to turn political.
The minority groups have a vested interest to continue with reservations and hold such reservations by joining the political brigade. Since the minorities have a vested interest to continue with reservations, they also hold a sizeable vote bank in politics. Being a sizeable vote bank, they often enjoy political handouts in kind. An area with such a vote bank will show a marked tendency towards violence between competing political factions and decreased economic activity as economic activities cannot continue in disruptive areas where the populace prefers to stay unemployed or resort to violence or remain uneducated and unprofessional.

Tim Harford, in his book - The Logic of Life illustrates a parallel example, where minorities will overcome majorities simply because the cost per capita for a majority is far less than the cost per capita for the minority.
Imagine 'no reservations', this will cause the minority dearly, so they will fight this tooth and nail. On the other hand the presence of reservations will cost a couple of people from the majority; maybe a manufacturing business in the area, maybe students entering college this year, etc.

The problem that needed to be addressed was the employer who was ethnically critical, but we have created a new problem as well as subverted minorities from 'acting white'; thanks to with reservations.

I thought reservations should have encouraged the minorities from acting white, but empirical experience shows us it won't and it doesn't.

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