Tuesday, February 19, 2008

psycho.. profile

At a recent visit to the doctor's for a bad cold, I was given a psychological evaluation.

Well it seems that doctors would like to prescribe medication only after knowing what type of an individual you are! Essentially they want to know about your childhood, your emotional response to circumstances, your interpersonal relations with your friends and relatives, etc.

If you are not prepared, most of these questions get you in a fix.

Q:How ambitious are you?
I started gesturing with my thumb and index figure trying to qualify ambition in terms of size.

Q:What do you want to do in life?
I think what I am doing now, if it wasn't I wouldn't be doing it, right.

Q:When was the last time you got angry and how angry did you get?
Eh, let me check...

Q:Are you an emotional person?
Yes I am but what you need to ask is how emotional I get.

Q:How do you feel, when you don't get what you wanted?
Great, how do you feel if you lose a million.

I can't say how many of the questions were relevant, but I came for a prognosis on one ailment and I got a diagnosis on another. Any which way somewhere down the line, I thought they've got me mistaken for another patient which is when they explained what the questions were for; anyway I think the young doctor had a field day with the questions.

I am just wondering, this was just a cold what would about the bloke who turns up at the doctors for a knee ache, and they probe his head.
I guess they would admit him, right away.
Forget you knee old chap, you can live without a knee but not without your head!!

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