Sunday, January 27, 2008

the constants

The seemingly arbitrary and unrelated constants in the sciences have one strange thing in common--these are precisely the values you need if you want to have a universe capable of producing life.

Life would not have been if it was not the way it is.
The fundamental constants of physics and chemistry are just right or fine-tuned to allow the universe and life as we know it to exist. We are just discovering these constants or laws, and the phenomenon is being explained with theory or theories.

However we ask for a deeper explanation.
Maybe it is something else or something much more intelligent or maybe just probability.
For how did these constants come to be?
Have these been perfected by trial and error much like life or have they been set right from the beginning of time.

The argument arises of whether life is a chance event or a creation.
The former removes accountability while the latter designates an accountability on the created by the creator.

The argument has taken different forms; one being where in we could believe that for life the solar system is a pre-requisite, the sun, moon and other planets, if the solar system is a pre-requisite then so are the nearby stars containing heavy elements which have supported life on earth. If the necessity of stars then so is this galaxy and the many galaxies.

It is a bit far fetched to think of us to be of such importance in this vast universe.

Then again of the vast empty space around, is it the sky above us or is it in our head, that baffles us!

For we still have not set right, how is it that the sky came to be?

Rather, we should be asking, why has the sky come to be?

I for one, find it ludicrous to accept that there is a purpose for an atom, I mean if we do ascribe to the theory that we have evolved from single cellular organisms. We could take a step back and require a purpose from quarks, mesons, hadrons, positrons, etc . The building blocks of an atom and so an element and so us.
But I doubt we would find any other purpose other than the one that we exist.
Their purpose could be to purport life, and then what!

However, if we debunk this, then the only explanation is that there is a purpose, and life has a purpose, and so the question why has the sky come to be?
or for that matter, why us and not how we.....?

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