Friday, December 21, 2007

Uncertainity Principle

Just got about thinking about the Uncertainity Principle.
How it explains that it is not possible to know momentum and position accurately simultaneously.

Another way of saying it would be that though there are laws as we see: physical laws, natural laws, chemical laws, etc within the scope of these laws life is way too random to predict.

I mean what can happen to us is unpredicatable in the very next instant.
However we can be sure that gravitation would not fail and we would fall off the earth, or suddenly the atoms that hold us together would call it a day and would disperse off - disintegrating our body.

I mean we know the various laws still will hold true(at least for a time) but life at the same time where we are heading is still unpredicatable.

Which could get us to hypothesize how much of our lives are coincidences, planned incidences and random incidences or as we call common luck.

Well the billion dollar question is.
Whether we can chart out our lives.
But then the uncertainity principle states we can't.

there goes the billion dollars...poof!

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