Wednesday, December 26, 2007

its all about the numbers

How much do you count politically?

Frankly, our value in politics is about the value of the vote.
Assuming that we are just the normal John Doe or Jane Doe, that single vote pretty much amounts to nothing.

I can't think of any elections that were swayed for the lack or supply of one vote.

So we have 2 options:
1. We vote thinking that maybe we are making a difference, ...highly unlikely mate...

2. We don't vote ....which needless to say still does not make any difference.

So, what do we do, well actually the answer to this question is kind of tangential.

1. Make the vote get valued higher. For one get rich(which is not easy), political parties need generous donations, for that matter you don't need allegiance here, money talks buddy, just be non-aligned and make political contributions to the party in power.

It's completely upto you whether you vote or not, any which way if you really look at it, the opponent and ruling party are aligned to your contributions so hey you get to eat the cake, right.

2. Get aligned to numbers. Politics is all about numbers.
If you can get a band of people aligned to a common interest, sheer numbers can get your vote valued higher.

Intersting to note here, for the first time in Kerala, the Church is aligning itself politically. At least they seem to be verbal about encouraging the members to vote for a particular political party.

Politics and Business probably have this 'number' dimension as a common factor.

You get a better deal on just numbers in Business.
eg: if your mobile phone is from the company; the tariffs are lower than a one you hold in your personal capacity.

Apartment blocks when negotiating with the cable company availed better cable TV tariffs than as individual apartment owners.

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