Tuesday, June 9, 2009

education and work

In our days of education we pay to be educated.
Which is, we pay fees and we work to educate ourselves.
I can't see why this can be encouraging but somehow most of us get by doing this.
It is a cost to be educated.
The way it is rationalised is 'it pays to be educated'.

Which is right in a sense, for when we look at gainful employment, we are offered a pay to work. Which seems bizarre given all those years where we had paid to get educated and now for some strange reason given our education; employers seem willing to pay us to work.

For most of us who do begin employment, we yearn those years, when we were at school and are willing to get back to school and pay to get educated.
We seem to weigh the cost lighter than the pay.

That could be bcoz we as humans are plain lazy.
But I can bet that this is the only time, we choose a cost to be lighter than a pay.

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