Friday, June 27, 2008

default rules

How come in the world of choices we usually end up with the default choice or the one we don't want to make?

frankly I don't know; but I hear a lot about make your destiny and make your choice, the truth could be that seldom if ever do we have it our way for the most part we usually are resigned to the default choice: it usually is last available choice or we are coerced into that last choice.

Funny why we call it choice if it is the last choice, funnier still that we call it choice if we are coerced into it.

perhaps we still called it 'a choice', as the response to that last default choice can be: a 'yes' or a 'no'.
Which is technically still a 'choice'!

And I guess we already know, that 'yes or no' can make a world of a difference in our lives...

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