Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our neighbour...

Most countries have a General however in the case of Pakistan the General has a country. To add to this, I would reckon that Pakistan also would be a country that has the highest casualty of Generals. One is deposed in macabre ways to make way for another.

In the present era, one ex-PM was rudely shunted on arrival to Saudi. He was impetuously told that he could not be in Pakistan. Another ex-PM on her return to Pakistan was greeted with much aplomb and 2 bombs. Well, the former was disparagingly treated but I think he is safe. The other was victoriously greeted but she is unsafe. Between the both of them I think they get the message.

All this has not mattered to the world and probably would not have — if Pakistan had not been a nuclear-armed country. To add to its nuclear capability, its chief scientist A Q Khan had leaked technological inputs and designs for the N Bomb to N Korea, and he has gone incognito. Much like Dawood who resides in Pakistan but Pakistani officials have short term memory loss in such matters. A Q Khan armed a non-nuclear state with nuclear capability, makes one wonder what cards the North Koreans had to barter this deal, but that is another take. Add to this a deposed democratic elected representative, a potential democratic elected representative, the recent deposed then reinstated Chief Justice and the endemic jehadi.

To a jehadi – you are either for them or against them, which means to say, if you disagree with them you are against them. The trouble is that there are enough committed dolts to hold this view and murder for his convenience. Pakistan has become a world problem.

So the party is at our next door neighbor’s place, there is definitely something brewing, let’s hope it is not a nuclear bomb. What could be worse; A jehadi with a nuclear bomb!

"Hence we may learn the lesson that on seizing a state, the usurper should make haste to inflict what injuries he must, at a stroke, that he may not have to renew them daily, but be enabled by their discontinuance to reassure men’s minds, and afterwards win them over by benefits." - The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli.

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