Saturday, August 30, 2008

instant gratification

I just realised our generation is about instant gratification.

From 30 minute pizzas, 5 minutes frappé,2 minute noodles and need I say instant answers when we call customer service with a query.

I mean our culture is tuning itself in this manner and it should not be any surprise that our brains are being wired on this level.

The crux is that this can be an absolute pitfall when it comes to business.
I mean if you let go of the leverage or rather show too much enthusiasm in a business bargain, there is every likelihood that you will be ripped off.
The only antidote is patience - don't show enthusiasm - and don't show you want to close the deal now.

But since I am a generation that has its wants met instantly, cultivating patience in the absence of the opportunity is a tough call.
I mean how do I do it, if I am being provided a service instantly what am I to say; Oh I need that burger not now but later!

Business is about patience, knowing when to wait and when to strike, knowing how long to wait before calling in the wager, you know how far to go and you know when the deal will come through.
This is fairly elementary when the guy opposite the table is a young fellow, I mean I know his/her weakness - well it is mine too.
But knowing that limitation is a real trump in situations.

The effort arises when there is an older gentleman across the table.

I am sure he thinks the way I think when I am with the younger guys.

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