Tuesday, April 1, 2008

prime minister hopeful

the leader of the opposition party and prime ministerial hopeful has released his memoir titled 'My Country, My Life'. Why would a prime minister hopeful do that, I mean in the sense memoirs are after a life of accomplishment and here Mr L K Advani is still a prime ministerial 'hopeful'.

He has been a Home Minister when his party the BJP did come to power in 1997, if I can give him that leverage of accomplishment or perhaps it is the sign of times, Mr Advani is 80, maybe he is not as daring or raring to go. Age does catch up on you, you know or maybe he has resigned to fate on the cognition that he is not going to get a chance at the PM' seat in this life time.

Anyway at his book reading in the city he had the opportunity to read a couple of lines from his book. And he turns to a chapter and paragraph and reads out a passage from his book but is actually a quote from another author; which is kind of novel or esoteric, an author reading out a paragraph from his book but quotes a passage from another author's work, at his own book reading.

Maybe Mr. Advani has seen the writing on the wall, he probably will remain a PM hopeful, that is fate and the book reading would have been just the sign of despair of that fate.

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