Tuesday, April 22, 2008


If you ever take an e-ticket in the US, and happen to be stuck with an SSSS imprint on it.

Beware, it means added security clearance needed.

On one of these trips, I ended up with an SSSS tag on my eticket.
And why, well because the airline felt that I need to have added security clearance before I got checked in.
And how did the airline come to this decision, actually I don't know, all I forwarded was my credit card at the electronic machine.

Maybe it reckoned my Credit Card was Indian, which would have been out of the norm compared to the several other swipes it had taken of other credit cards and felt I needed added security clearance.

My point, don't make a machine do a humans job.
I am just wondering how does a computer differentiate a patron from a security risk, it however does identify a shift from the norm but it is still incapable of calling a shift from the norm a security risk.

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