Friday, December 21, 2007


TV News has got so lame.
Probably it always was, but I can't blame the reporters.

How would they know what the individual tastes are of each and every viewer.
So the easy way out is report everything that is worth reporting.
And what is worth reporting?
Well since they can't decide and they don't want to be prejudiced, everything is worth reporting.

I mean everything that they can get their hands on is going to get reported, and everything that is going to get reported is going to be sensational.

I think it pays to bear in mind, the news broadcasters make money only if it makes an impact.

In a way the news is prejudiced, news reporting as it is done today is made to elicit an emotional response from the audience. If it fails to do so, the news channels fails to make money.

Well, there is a self-interest in most things, if not all.

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